Wednesday 13 September 2017

I Did It Anyway

A long while back, I bought a bunch of MY Miniatures Sedgemoor 15mm figures.  They were lively and characterful and no damn use at all in terms of compatibility with my, then, ever- growing Essex and Irregular Williamite War 15mm armies.  So, I went through the classic stages of denial-they don’t look so bad, I’ll paint them and they’ll blend in!  Finally, I thought bugger it, I’ll stick one of them on an Essex horse and say he’s Sarsfield (for Patrick was a big lad) and put the rest away-which I did.  Resentfully.

Then, The Pike Man’s Lament appeared and I liked playing it.  A thoughtful gander at a LOA size comparison post on the spendid

revealed that Donnington’s Wars of Louis XIV were lively and characterful and likely a size match for MY Miniatures.  

There is a very sound military maxim about not re enforcing failure.  I havered as the Scots say, surely, I’ve done the LOA. I don’t need to order more biggies that won’t fit with everything else.

I did it anyway.

So, Royal and Rebel Companies for The Pike Man’s Lament will appear on this blog.  When they do, the figures will be lively and characterful biggies and it won’t matter at all.

The catalyst for all this was, of course, the lovely pics and illustrations in Stephen Ede-Borrett’s Army of James II.

Here we can see some of the MY Miniatures looking big, lively, characterful and unfinished-but not for long.

You can see some of the Donnington’s, look for big hats, if you click the link below to Ray’s Don’t Throw a 1 blog.  Characterful and lively, aren’t they, and big.

If you are interested in MY Miniatures here's some of the mounted figures, note the small horses, good for Dragoons.


  1. Cheers for the link OB! They're very nice figures. It's good that they fit in with Donnington as well, which are another great range. I shall look forward to see more from your new period!!

  2. Cheers for the link OB! They're very nice figures. It's good that they fit in with Donnington as well, which are another great range. I shall look forward to see more from your new period!!

  3. They look big, lively and characterful! Great feeling when an old project gets a new lease on life. Look forward to seeing the results.

  4. Not a bother Ray, pleased to do it. Yes Restoration antics should be fun.

    You've got it Aaron and yes it does feel great.
